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Women in Egypt Report Lower Employee Engagement than Men
Benchmark Reports Analysis

Women in Egypt Report Lower Employee Engagement than Men

Women in Egypt engage with their work less than men do, according to the recent employee engagement survey by Engagesoft. The survey compared employee engagement in Egypt across more than 30 engagement drivers and among several employee groups, including women and men.

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The Case for Employee Engagement Benchmarks
Analytics Deep Dive

The Case for Employee Engagement Benchmarks

Without benchmark data, HR directors can only guess whether their company's employee engagement levels are high, average, or low.

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How to Foster a Culture of Two-Way Communication
Organizational Health Advice

How to Foster a Culture of Two-Way Communication

Communication is a key enabler of organizational success; communication drives higher emotional engagement and commitment among the employees and creates alignment and clarity towards achieving the goals of the organization.

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How Employees in Egypt View Their Relationships with their Immediate Managers
Benchmark Reports Analysis

How Employees in Egypt View Their Relationships with their Immediate Managers

Employees' relationships with their managers are scoring higher than the average engagement levels in Egypt, according to the recent employee engagement survey by Engagesoft. This demonstrates the positive relationships between employees and their managers in Egypt. However, as we will highlight in this article, employees in Egypt scored Recognition by Manager lower than other areas. It is important for leaders to pay attention to this as recognition is one of the top drivers of employee engagement.

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The Role of HR in Setting the Rhythm of One-on-Ones in their Organizations
Employee Engagement Advice

The Role of HR in Setting the Rhythm of One-on-Ones in their Organizations

In today’s fast changing business world, it's more important than ever for HR managers to ensure that their organizations have a rhythm of one-on-one meetings between managers and their employees. By ensuring that they are happening both regularly and effectively, HR managers can help set the tone and rhythm for how an organization runs. These regular check-ins provide an opportunity for managers to touch base with their direct reports, give feedback, assess progress towards goals, and discuss any concerns or issues.

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Benchmarking Blue-Collar Employee Engagement in Egypt
Benchmark Reports Analysis

Benchmarking Blue-Collar Employee Engagement in Egypt

As an HR leader, it is imperative that you know how your employees feel about their work across all job roles and job levels. Understanding the engagement levels of your entire workforce will help you increase the happiness and retention of your best employees, improve productivity and increase profits. Unfortunately, blue-collar employees are scoring lower engagement levels in Egypt when compared to white-collar employees according to the recent employee engagement survey by Engagesoft.

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How to Use HR Analytics to Create a Culture of Employee Engagement
Analytics Deep Dive

How to Use HR Analytics to Create a Culture of Employee Engagement

If you're like most HR professionals, the term "HR analytics" probably brings up images of complex mathematical models and reams of data. But the reality is that HR analytics is simply the process of using data to improve HR decision-making.

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How HR Managers Can Support Their Employees' Mental Health
Organizational Health Advice

How HR Managers Can Support Their Employees' Mental Health

It's no secret that the workplace can be a major source of stress for employees. But what's often less talked about is the impact that this stress can have on employees' mental health.

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How HR Leaders Can Influence CEOs to Improve Employee Engagement
Cross-Team Alignment

How HR Leaders Can Influence CEOs to Improve Employee Engagement

When employees are unmotivated and disengaged, leaders often look for root causes in the tools, processes, direct managers, and even workplace culture. But more often than not, disengagement is connected to the leadership of the organization. Arguably, the CEO can inspire and boost employee engagement more than anyone else in the organization by adopting effective leadership practices.

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