Exit Analysis

Pinpoint Why Your Top Talent Leaves

Identify the Disengagement Patterns of Exiting Employees

Exit analysis examines feedback trends from departed employees. This reveals critical drivers impacting engagement - recognition, growth, manager effectiveness, and more.

Leverage these insights to optimize retention with targeted solutions.

Predict Employees and Segments at Risk

Leverage predictive analytics to uncover risk profiles based on the engagement metrics of those about to quit.

See real-time turnover risk forecasts by department, manager, tenure band and more to get ahead of issues.

Address Root Causes and Prescribe Targeted Actions

Exit analysis identifies employee groups showing early signs they are becoming disengaged for the same reasons that led to turnover in the past.

You can then prescribe interventions that previously re-engaged at-risk groups by addressing those specific engagement needs.

Uncover Why Top Employees Quit with Exit Analysis

Our intuitive exit analysis tool detects patterns in survey responses of soon-to-depart staff, revealing common drivers of attrition in your company. This provides actionable insights to boost retention.

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Comprehensive Resources

Our knowledge base, online academy, and insights library offer an extensive collection of articles, templates, videos, and tools with best practices.

The Secret to Team Motivation in the Modern Workplace? Coaching.

The Secret to Team Motivation in the Modern Workplace? Coaching.

If motivation is key then what is the best way to motivate the workforce? We, at Engagesoft, believe in coaching. Coaching is one of the best ways or practices to keep the team motivated and going. In fact, it is more of a leadership attribute than a random practice.
When Good Employees Go Bad: Understanding and Tackling Workplace Detractors

When Good Employees Go Bad: Understanding and Tackling Workplace Detractors

When it comes to employee engagement, it's not only the "engaged" employees that organizations should be worried about. In fact, "disengaged" employees – or the "detractors" – can have the biggest impact on a company's performance. Among the risks faced by organizations, few are as potentially damaging as detractors. Even engaged employees are not immune to the negative effects of a disengaged workforce. In fact, employees who work with a disengaged colleague are more likely to become disengaged themselves.
Toxic Managers: Why They're Bad for Business and How to Address Them

Toxic Managers: Why They're Bad for Business and How to Address Them

The research is clear: toxic managers are bad for business. They can hinder productivity, damage morale, and create an environment of fear and intimidation. And yet, many organizations do little to address the problem. In fact, some companies may even unwittingly encourage toxic behavior by rewarding aggressive and bullying behavior.

Listen to Employees
Through Our Suite of Surveys

Deploy our full range of analytics-enabled surveys for engagement, experience, and organizational health insights.

Drive Employee Engagement

Identify engagement drivers through pulse surveys to take targeted action and improve productivity, performance and retention.

Engagement Surveys

Map the Employee Journey

Pinpoint friction across the entire employee lifecycle to improve employee experience and boost engagement.

Employee Experience

Assess Company Culture

Identify and improve employee experience and engagement throughout the lifecycle, measuring behaviors for sustained growth.

Health Surveys

See Our Solutions In Action

Book a tailored walkthrough of the precise capabilities that would best empower your people and fuel your unique priorities.