Sentiment Analysis

See Employee Sentiment in Trending Topics

See Trending
Topics at a Glance

See hot topics bubble up over time in a color-coded visualization showing employee sentiment trends.

Our AI-powered analysis works across multiple languages to complement quantitative engagement data.

Monitor Questions and Suggestions

Our system groups similar feedback and suggestions into common categories and topics – helping you grasp your employees' biggest shared priorities.

Transform Words into Transformational Plans

Intuitive visualizations allow you to track themes and diagnose needs while also empowering anonymous conversations with commenters to further understand priorities.

This guides focused solutions tailored to their top concerns.

Derive Deeper Insights
from Open Comments

Our sophisticated text analysis scans open-ended survey responses, discussions and more – identifying shared themes and revealing actionable priorities.


Comprehensive Resources

Our knowledge base, online academy, and insights library offer an extensive collection of articles, templates, videos, and tools with best practices.

Does Your Leadership Style Fit Today's Workplace Needs? (The Answer Might Surprise You)

Does Your Leadership Style Fit Today's Workplace Needs? (The Answer Might Surprise You)

The “modern workplace” has drastically changed over the past decades. In the early twentieth century, most employment was in the agricultural and manufacturing fields. This kind of work is arduous, monotonous and laborious. Undoubtedly, it requires a controlling management. A fast forward leap to today’s workplace confirms that it has transformed, unrecognizably. Work has become much more abstract and a spin of creativity has been added to the mix. So why are some, if not many, workplaces still operating like factories?
The Secret to Team Motivation in the Modern Workplace? Coaching.

The Secret to Team Motivation in the Modern Workplace? Coaching.

If motivation is key then what is the best way to motivate the workforce? We, at Engagesoft, believe in coaching. Coaching is one of the best ways or practices to keep the team motivated and going. In fact, it is more of a leadership attribute than a random practice.
Toxic Managers: Why They're Bad for Business and How to Address Them

Toxic Managers: Why They're Bad for Business and How to Address Them

The research is clear: toxic managers are bad for business. They can hinder productivity, damage morale, and create an environment of fear and intimidation. And yet, many organizations do little to address the problem. In fact, some companies may even unwittingly encourage toxic behavior by rewarding aggressive and bullying behavior.

Listen to Employees
Through Our Suite of Surveys

Deploy our full range of analytics-enabled surveys for engagement, experience, and organizational health insights.

Drive Employee Engagement

Identify engagement drivers through pulse surveys to take targeted action and improve productivity, performance and retention.

Engagement Surveys

Map the Employee Journey

Pinpoint friction across the entire employee lifecycle to improve employee experience and boost engagement.

Employee Experience

Assess Company Culture

Identify and improve employee experience and engagement throughout the lifecycle, measuring behaviors for sustained growth.

Health Surveys

See Our Solutions In Action

Book a tailored walkthrough of the precise capabilities that would best empower your people and fuel your unique priorities.