How Employee Comments Reveal the ‘Why’ Behind Engagement Scores
Sentiment analysis bridges the gap between engagement metrics and employee emotions, offering HR leaders actionable insights to foster engagement and address root causes. By analyzing and visualizing employee feedback, it simplifies decision-making and enhances workplace culture.
Using Organizational Charts to Strengthen Employee Engagement
Organizational charts help HR teams visualize engagement across different departments and roles, making it easier to identify engagement gaps and collaborate with managers to design targeted strategies that boost team engagement.
How Lifecycle Analysis Can Transform Employee Retention
Lifecycle analysis tools help HR teams understand how engagement shifts across tenure stages and employee segments. By addressing key drivers like career growth and work-life balance at the right time, companies can reduce turnover and improve long-term retention.
Analyzing Employee Churn Through Employee Engagement Data
Employee engagement data can predict potential turnover by identifying patterns of disengagement among employees before they leave. By conducting exit and churn analysis, HR leaders can uncover the root causes of employee dissatisfaction and implement targeted strategies to improve retention proactively.
See the Big Picture of Employee Engagement with Heat Maps
Heat maps simplify employee engagement data, helping HR leaders quickly identify areas needing attention and celebrate strengths. They enable targeted actions and comparisons across departments, enhancing overall engagement. Engagesoft’s heat maps turn insights into actionable steps for a more engaged workforce.
Does Your Leadership Style Fit Today's Workplace Needs? (The Answer Might Surprise You)
The “modern workplace” has drastically changed over the past decades. In the early twentieth century, most employment was in the agricultural and manufacturing fields. This kind of work is arduous, monotonous and laborious. Undoubtedly, it requires a controlling management. A fast forward leap to today’s workplace confirms that it has transformed, unrecognizably. Work has become much more abstract and a spin of creativity has been added to the mix. So why are some, if not many, workplaces still operating like factories?
The Secret to Team Motivation in the Modern Workplace? Coaching.
If motivation is key then what is the best way to motivate the workforce? We, at Engagesoft, believe in coaching. Coaching is one of the best ways or practices to keep the team motivated and going. In fact, it is more of a leadership attribute than a random practice.
When Good Employees Go Bad: Understanding and Tackling Workplace Detractors
When it comes to employee engagement, it's not only the "engaged" employees that organizations should be worried about. In fact, "disengaged" employees – or the "detractors" – can have the biggest impact on a company's performance. Among the risks faced by organizations, few are as potentially damaging as detractors. Even engaged employees are not immune to the negative effects of a disengaged workforce. In fact, employees who work with a disengaged colleague are more likely to become disengaged themselves.
How an Employee Value Proposition (EVP) Can Help Make Your Life Easier
What is an Employee Value Proposition (EVP) and what makes it essential to an HR team? Since the pandemic's rise, numerous organizations have begun to review their fundamental principles. People's work styles have changed as a result of remote and hybrid employment plus Gen Z entering the workforce has put a ton of pressure on employers to ramp up the perks offered to employers.
How Employee Comments Reveal the ‘Why’ Behind Engagement Scores
Sentiment analysis bridges the gap between engagement metrics and employee emotions, offering HR leaders actionable insights to foster engagement and address root causes. By analyzing and visualizing employee feedback, it simplifies decision-making and enhances workplace culture.
Using Organizational Charts to Strengthen Employee Engagement
Organizational charts help HR teams visualize engagement across different departments and roles, making it easier to identify engagement gaps and collaborate with managers to design targeted strategies that boost team engagement.
How Lifecycle Analysis Can Transform Employee Retention
Lifecycle analysis tools help HR teams understand how engagement shifts across tenure stages and employee segments. By addressing key drivers like career growth and work-life balance at the right time, companies can reduce turnover and improve long-term retention.