Employee Experience

Continuously Strengthen Experience from Start to Exit

Frequent check-ins across the employee journey reveal how to continually refine experiences.

On-boarding Survey / Overview Image


Higher retention rate among employees reporting a positive work experience


Employees reporting a positive experience exceed work expectations


Key milestones assessed in the employee journey

Listen at Every Employee Experience Milestone

Check in with employees at key moments in their journey, from first joining to eventually exiting your company.

Through questioning employees at these milestones, we learn what's going well so you can do more of that. We also uncover problem points that can be smoothed out.

Checking in frequently lets you spot trends fast and respond to evolving needs.

“Rather than relying on assumptions, we can now focus our efforts precisely based on survey findings to address the biggest drivers of employee engagement and productivity.”

Suzan Abdeen
Head of HR

Shape Better
Employee Journeys

Check in with employees at each critical touch point to shape an experience that attracts, engages, and retains top talent across the employee lifecycle.

Onboarding Surveys

Understand the new hire experience during the critical onboarding period.

Identify areas working well and gaps to address through pulse surveys at set intervals, such as end of first week, first month, etc.

Learning &
Development Surveys

Assess satisfaction with training programs through intermittent pulse checks.

Evaluate program relevance, format preferences, platform experience, and evolving development needs.

Promotion Surveys

Learn what motivated employees to say yes or what held them back from pursuing new opportunities.

Adjust talent mobility support accordingly.

Cross-Department Surveys

Assess interactions with key centralized functions like Facilities, IT Help Desk, HR Service Center, etc.

Pinpoint areas working well and potential friction points.

Exit & Offboarding Surveys

Understand why employees leave to stem preventable turnover through stay interviews.

For actual exits, gather insights to keep improving.

Performance Management Surveys

Check in with employees around performance reviews.

Gather feedback on the clarity of expectations set, usefulness of feedback received, and other key priorities to continuously improve your performance management process.

Custom Journey Surveys

Align surveys to the various employee journey stages and systems within your organization.

Add brief pulse checks before or after major initiatives like new technology rollouts, reorgs, policy changes and more.

Science-based Survey Templates

Our research-backed methodology incorporates proven drivers into ready-made, customizable surveys across the employee journey.

Our Powerful
People Insights Products

Organization-wide Analytics

Continuously monitor engagement levels, NPS trends and priority areas through core metrics. Celebrate strengths and address key weaknesses surfaced across the employee base.

Employee Segment Analytics

Go deeper through heat mapping, organization charts, and employee lifecycle tools to uncover priorities within key segments.

See Heatmap Analysis
See Org Chart Analysis
See Employee Lifecycle Analysis

Our automated tagging technology analyzes open-ended comments to surface key topics and tie them to associated sentiment. Quickly pinpoint drivers through word cloud visualizations.

Learn More

Our smart alert system flags high priority issues in real-time, allowing you to drill down and pinpoint root causes behind declining engagement levels, turnover risks, and other workforce challenges.

Join Industry Pioneers Leading Lasting Culture Transformation

Easily embed people data into the systems you already use daily across HR, IT, and operations via our turnkey integrations.

Riyadh Cement
Hyper pay
money fellows

Connect With Your Existing Tech Stack

Easily embed people data into the systems you already use daily across HR, IT, and operations via our turnkey integrations.

Explore Our Suite
of People Insights

Drive Employee Engagement

Identify engagement drivers through pulse surveys to take targeted action and improve productivity, performance and retention.

Go to Engagement Surveys

Assess Company Culture

Measure behaviors, processes and abilities to achieve sustainable growth and transformation.

Go to Health Surveys

See Our Solutions In Action

Book a tailored walkthrough of the precise capabilities that would best empower your people and fuel your unique priorities.