Org Chart Analysis

Easy Navigation of Workforce Insights

Instantly see engagement and other scores represented across your organization structure, narrowed down by department, line manager, or other filters to analyze dynamics.

See Priorities
Across All Levels

Compare survey sentiment heatmaps side-by-side for corporate vs regional vs department trends.

Then diagnose underlying needs by segment and manager through root cause analysis.

Tailor Interventions
to Root Causes

Combine organizational chart insights with other data systems to develop integrated plans.

Click into score details to see comments, history trends and strongest/weakest attributes to address issues for locations, roles, managers for faster impact.

Visualize and Analyze
Team Dynamics

Our intuitive organizational chart survey visualization aggregates responses by department, manager, location and other segments – with drill down capabilities to spotlight priorities.

Enterprises Across The Middle East Trust Engagesoft

Comprehensive Resources

Our knowledge base, online academy, and insights library offer an extensive collection of articles, templates, videos, and tools with best practices.

Toxic Managers: Why They're Bad for Business and How to Address Them

Toxic Managers: Why They're Bad for Business and How to Address Them

The research is clear: toxic managers are bad for business. They can hinder productivity, damage morale, and create an environment of fear and intimidation. And yet, many organizations do little to address the problem. In fact, some companies may even unwittingly encourage toxic behavior by rewarding aggressive and bullying behavior.
How to Foster a Culture of Two-Way Communication

How to Foster a Culture of Two-Way Communication

Communication is a key enabler of organizational success; communication drives higher emotional engagement and commitment among the employees and creates alignment and clarity towards achieving the goals of the organization.
How Employees in Egypt View Their Relationships with their Immediate Managers

How Employees in Egypt View Their Relationships with their Immediate Managers

Employees' relationships with their managers are scoring higher than the average engagement levels in Egypt, according to the recent employee engagement survey by Engagesoft. This demonstrates the positive relationships between employees and their managers in Egypt. However, as we will highlight in this article, employees in Egypt scored Recognition by Manager lower than other areas. It is important for leaders to pay attention to this as recognition is one of the top drivers of employee engagement.

Listen to Employees
Through Our Suite of Surveys

Deploy our full range of analytics-enabled surveys for engagement, experience, and organizational health insights.

Drive Employee Engagement

Identify engagement drivers through pulse surveys to take targeted action and improve productivity, performance and retention.

Engagement Surveys

Map the Employee Journey

Pinpoint friction across the entire employee lifecycle to improve employee experience and boost engagement.

Employee Experience

Assess Company Culture

Identify and improve employee experience and engagement throughout the lifecycle, measuring behaviors for sustained growth.

Health Surveys

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