Benchmark Reports Analysis

Celebrating a Strong Sense of Accomplishment in Saudi Arabia

June 6, 2024


5 min read

Celebrating a Strong Sense of Accomplishment in Saudi Arabia

The recent employee engagement survey by Engagesoft has provided valuable insight about how employees in Saudi Arabia feel about their sense of accomplishment when it comes to the job roles they are in. The key finding shows that in general, employees in Saudi Arabia have scored their sense of accomplishment a 9.1 on a scale of 1-10 (1 being extremely dissatisfied and 10 extremely satisfied); this is the highest driver score across all the engagement pillars. 

Sense of accomplishment across different segments in Saudi Arabia

Accomplishment across Career Levels

While all career levels have scored their sense of accomplishment relatively highly,fresh graduates have scored the lowest at 8.7, compared to managerial levels, which scored the highest at 9.5. Organizations could focus on engaging fresh graduates with their responsibilities and enhance their sense of independence in their work in order to boost their sense of accomplishment to match that of other career levels. 

Accomplishment across Cities

Employees in all major cities have high scores when it comes to ‘sense of accomplishment’. Riyadh scored a 9.1, Jeddah and the Eastern Province scored it slightly higher at 9.2. 

Accomplishment by Gender

Both genders have a high score when it comes to their sense of accomplishment. Females have an overall score of 8.9 out of 10, slightly lower than that of men at 9.1. 

Why having a sense of accomplishment matters

Boosts job performance 

Harnessing positive energy benefits everyone. So it's not surprising that businesses with highly motivated employees also have healthy returns and high retention rates. They understand their star performers need to be challenged but not overloaded. 

Increases employee wellbeing 

Employees spend a large portion of their life at work so, ensuring your employees have a sense of purpose and fulfillment on a daily basis is empowering to them personally and professionally. 

Builds a supportive work environment

Everybody loves good news and success. Encourage your employees to complement each other's work on a regular basis and you’ll notice a shift in your organization as a whole.  Positivity is contagious!

What organizations should do to drive their employees sense of accomplishment

As an HR leader, you should work with other organizational leaders and line managers to establish systems and practices that assess and enhance the sense of accomplishment among your employees.  We share the following pointers as a place to start:

1. Ensure managers are setting achievable targets 

2. Offer support but don’t micromanage

3. Offer constructive criticism 

4. Reward hard work properly 

5. Communicate the company’s vision and goals to employees so they understand how their work contributes to the company’s success.

Next Steps

We highlighted in this article the average scores of ‘sense of accomplishment’ in Saudi Arabia and also across both genders, multiple cities and career levels. However, it’s vital that as an HR leader, you take initiative to assess and survey employee engagement drivers among your employees and create plans of actions tailored to your organization.

The Engagesoft team will be happy to give you a demo of how you can leverage Engagesoft to survey your employees, and gain access to a rich set of dashboards and reports to identify the best plan of action to drive higher employee engagement in your organization.

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