Benchmark Reports Analysis

A Look Into Employee Engagement Within Top Industries in Egypt

June 5, 2024


5 min read

A Look Into Employee Engagement Within Top Industries in Egypt

As an HR leader based in Egypt, you may wonder how engagement levels among employees compare across various major industries in the country. In this article, we share the findings of the employee engagement survey we conducted in Egypt and highlight in particular how employee engagement levels compare across these major industries: Banking and Finance, Tech and E-commerce, Healthcare, and Factories. 

The key findings show that in general, employees in Egypt scored their engagement levels a 7.4 on a scale of 1-10 (1 being extremely dissatisfied and 10 extremely satisfied); Let’s take a deeper dive into how this looks across industries.

Overall Engagement Scores Per Industry 

  • Technology and E-commerce = 7.9 
  • Healthcare = 7.44
  • Banking and Finance = 7.33
  • Factories = 7.18

Comparing these scores to the country’s overall engagement level of 7.4, it’s quite clear that the Tech and E-commerce industry as well as the Healthcare industry are performing well compared to Banking and especially in comparison to the Factory industry. It’s important for any industry scoring below the country average to look into its employee engagement rates and focus on improving its overall scores. 

Engagement Attribute Analysis Per Industry 

1) Tech and E-commerce 

Top 3 attributes: 

  • Sense of Self Competence = 9.05
  • Sense of Accomplishment = 8.91 
  • Relationship with Team = 8.89

Bottom 3 attributes: 

  • Job Fit = 7.94
  • Compensation and Benefits = 7.6 
  • Org. Attention to Wellbeing = 7.1

2) Healthcare 

Top 3 attributes: 

  • Relationship with Team = 8.68
  • Sense of Accomplishment = 8.61
  • Sense of Self-Competence = 8.47 

Bottom 3 attributes: 

  • Job Fit = 7.31
  • Compensation & Benefits = 6.63
  • Org. Attention to Wellbeing = 6.52

3) Banking and Finance 

Top 3 attributes: 

  • Sense of Accomplishment = 9.13
  • Sense of Self-Competence = 8.91 
  • Relationship with Team = 8.79 

Bottom 3 attributes: 

  • Recognition = 7.61 
  • Compensation and Benefits = 7.08 
  • Org. Attention to Wellbeing = 6.67 

4) Factories 

Top 3 attributes: 

  • Sense of Accomplishment = 8.77 
  • Relationship with Team = 8.62
  • Co-workers Competence = 8.52 

Bottom 3 attributes: 

  • Recognition = 7.1 
  • Compensation & Benefits = 6.67 
  • Org. Attention to Wellbeing = 6.29 

As you can see from the data shown above, the attributes affecting engagement both positively and negatively are quite similar across all industries in Egypt. It’s been proven that employees in Egypt feel that they do have a strong sense of accomplishment and competence when it comes to the work they are doing. They also have strong positive feelings in regard to their team members and they value the work they’re putting into the company. 

When it comes to the attributes that scored the lowest, we can also see very strong similarities across the different industries. The 3 main attributes causing the most negative feelings for the Egyptian workforce are compensation, well-being, and job fit. Companies across Egypt need to focus their efforts on improving the employee experience by working on and enhancing the figures around these 3 attributes. 

Advice on Improving Employee Engagement in Egypt 

  • Introduce flexible working hours to help employees achieve work-life balance.
  • Listen to your employees’ needs and wants and start implementing changes. 
  • Encourage employees to take on more training and learning opportunities to allow them to redshift their careers in the direction they see fit.
  • Add benefits that will satisfy your employees’ needs. 
  • Communicate the company’s vision and goals to employees so they understand how their work contributes to the company’s success.

Next steps 

We highlighted in this article the average engagement scores across different industries in Egypt. However, it’s vital that as an HR leader, you take the initiative to assess and survey employee engagement drivers among your employees and create plans of action tailored to your organization. 

The Engagesoft team will be happy to give you a demo of how you can leverage Engagesoft to survey your employees, and gain access to a rich set of dashboards and reports to identify the best plan of action to drive higher employee engagement in your organization.

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